The One with the Free Tickets
3:34 PM
Now let's start over, shall we? The one with the free tickets.

I was confident that the cost would be less despite having 8 countries on the list. There was the idea of backpacking which, in recent days, has been equated to "shoestring traveling". I don't know why because semantically speaking, backpacking is concerned with bags slung on shoulders. But if that ever happens to be valid, backpacking is a cool word to say that...yes..we were stingy (without compromising on food....never!) and that we traveled through space and time.....

The list of 8 included Macau and Hongkong (China), 5 Indochina countries, and then the greatest offenders to the semantics of "backpacking", Japan and South Korea. Of the 8 countries, I revisited 6. I know right! I could have gone elsewhere new and unfamiliar...but duh, let's not get into the drama behind that. At the end of it all, I only spent around $700 with couchsurfing and cheapskating combined. Due to stop-me-I-dont-wanna-curse passport problems on Myeong's side and visa struggles for Patrik, I was the only one able to complete the whole itinerary planned with the least souvenirs bought, the most baths skipped, and the most number of toilets.... Ok fine...the most lessons learned. CAPS LOCK that in your head for intensification purposes.
This has been my longest trip to date with some respites in between. To clarify, we didn't run through all the destinations in one swipe. We had to get back to the country and fly out again.

I tell you, this whole "free tickets" thing was not easy. But it was great. Incomparably great. Until my next post, huh? Air quote!
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