The Usual Sundays
3:24 AM
They say good conversations happen with food. In Victory Dumaguete, it happens mostly on Sundays. Actually every day. But for long tables crowded by loud and fun people like this, we call on for Sundays.

At the end of the last worship service on Sundays, faces like these are regular. Hungry, exhausted... uhm.. constipated. 'Coz sometimes deciding on where to eat for dinner is like making a decision of a lifetime. Haha. No offense; the dallying kinda amuses me a bit.

When the decision is made, we travel in hordes. We love long tables. It's when waiting for food orders by busy, slow restaurants becomes entertaining and worthwhile.

Crazy games and jokes are laid on table. And endless chitchats are just...well...endless. Never a dead air buried.

Sunday, the day I most anticipate of week by week. It's when I'm surrounded by genuine, loving, selfless people like them apart from my biological family.

Well, I get to be surrounded by some of them every day, but it's this day that we really set apart to just spend time together intentionally altogether. Nobody left out; whoever's tired and hungry is in! And the number keeps growing.

I guess when the same God and love and grace operate in people, this kind of bond comes about. Blah. And we're gonna share This Love we know. As a bunch of salt and light to the world.

Two weeks off the radar for a hometown visit.
I'm missing fellowship Sundays.
Dear Mike,
I stole that third to the last photo from your memory card.
I texted you. No reply means yes.
Your New Roommate.
Clean the room! I'm moving in tomorrow!
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