Make a Difference!

2:21 PM

Here and There 2011. Siquijor and Valencia photos by Enshong.

Several cities, some flights, 2 foreign lands, a few islands, countless jump shots, heaps of carbo, new friends and other faces. I must say I have my share of here and there last year too. All that merrymaking was fun, but a huge margin of that year though was spent idle. I could have gone to deeper seas, countless shores, greater heights and lengthy hikes if I didn't choose to hopelessly wait for any hospital to call me as if they would compensate fairly. But that year carried on at its best; t'was still awesome in many other ways nonetheless. ^_^

I'm stoked to go! Photos not mine! Thank you owners, then Google Search. :)

As I wrote my travel list this year, I've decided to not just travel for my own reasons but to commit every place to what God, I believe, has called me to do: to minister and to be a testimony of His love. Ang drama, but, oh yeah, I'm serious! :) Many are the plans in our heart, but it is the purposes of the Lord that should prevail. With that, I wanna make use of my desire to travel and explore. I wanna go beyond the miles I'll travel; I wanna make a difference!

PS Thanks to the almost unending flight ticket promos, I was able to book ahead to places I've planned to wreck this year, nyahaha. Thank You Lord. Booking more later. My feet are itching; my mind is winding me ready! I'm stoked to go!

 Don't just be different! Make a difference!

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