2011 as I saw it
11:52 PMLook for your face (Click) HERE and see how happy we were.
Several things happened last year. For the countless things that lasted then and to the wonderful people I got the year through with, thank you for everything. It doesn't matter how long we talked or hanged out; just being together regardless of how long it was is the only thing that counts.
2011 was not entirely about me. It's not about how successful, happy, or alive I was the whole year. 2012 may have the same number of months as last year, but each day will never be the same because of you guys. 2011 is unique as you people are as well. So hang on and let's live better and greater this year.
Be thankful for all the blessings and for the people all around you.
And to THE God who has always been in control, thank You.
Despite the adversities, let's thank God because He never sleeps and never stops loving.
'Twas an awesome year! Awesome memories! Awesome people!!
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